Thursday, January 10, 2008

Why a 100-County Countdown?

Greetings! Well, the inevitable question is, "Why are y'all trying to do a race in all of North Carolina's 100 counties?" I guess it develops from having a real love of running, the fun of getting to see all parts of a state 600 miles in length, and just a general wanderlust of wanting to get out and see some different places.

Chad mentioned in summer 2007 that he had been developing an idea of doing a race in each of the state's 100 counties and had made good progress. Of course it sounded like a good idea to me immediately because I already collected some counties on my own, and it would be fun to have a friend there to enjoy the traveling and the running with.

So why blog about it? Why not? It's a fun way to share our adventures with our friends and family and let others hear about the little races and places we discover as we criss-cross the state. And hopefully we'll make some new running friends and improve our health along the way. Yes, it will probably take a while to see the whole state; with 100 counties, you could do a race every weekend and it would still take two years. But we expect we can get a handful of new counties each year and keep adding to our total.

So, thanks for checking in, and we hope you'll enjoy the adventure of seeing North Carolina's diverse counties, races and people -- through our feet. :-)

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